There are some excellent resources on Down syndrome available for anyone who is interested in learning more. But it’s not always easy to know whether the information you are reading is accurate. We have developed our own “Saut-approved” list of resources as a starting point for those who want to learn more about Down syndrome. If you think we’ve missed any important ones, let us know:


National Down Syndrome Society
National Down Syndrome Congress
Woodbine House (Free Downloads about Down Syndrome)
Global Down Syndrome Foundation
International Down Syndrome Coalition
Down Syndrome International
Norris & Dorothy Haring Center


Babies With Down Syndrome: A New Parent's Guide (2008 Edition)
ed. by Susan Skallerup. Woodbine House, 2008.

Medical & Surgical Care for Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents
ed. by D.C. Van Dyke, and P. Mattheis. Woodbine House, 1995.

Adolescents With Down Syndrome: Toward a More Fulfilling Life
by S.M. Pueschel and M. Sustrova. Paul Brookes, 1997.

Adults With Down Syndrome
edited by S. M. Pueschel. Paul Brookes, 2006.

The Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook: A Guide to Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
by Joan E. Guthrie Medlen. Woodbine House, 2002.

Early Communication Skills for Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals
by Libby Kumin. Woodbine House, 2013.

Classroom Language Skills for Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
by Libby Kumin. Woodbine House, 2001.

Teaching Reading to Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
by Patricia Oelwein. Woodbine House, 1995.

Teaching Math to People With Down Syndrome and Other Hands-On Learners: Basic Survival Skills
by DeAnna Horstmeier. Woodbine House, 2004.

Gross Motor Skills in Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals
by Patricia C. Winders. Woodbine House, 2014.

Fine Motor Skills for Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents And Professionals
by Maryanne Bruni. Woodbine House, 2006.

When Down Syndrome and Autism Intersect: A guide to DS-ASD for Parents and Professionals
by Margaret Froehike, R.N. & Robin Zaborek. Woodbine House 2013.

Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome: A Guide to Emotional and Behavioral Strengths and Challenges
by Dennis McGuire & Brian Chicoine. Woodbine House 2006.

The Guide to Good Health for Teens & Adults with Down Syndrome
by Brian Chicoine & Dennis McGuire. Woodbine House 2010.


Down Syndrome: The First 18 Months
Will Schermerhorn, director. Blueberry Shoes Productions, 2003.


Oelwein, P.L. (2014). Saut assessment of Applied Academics and Functional Skills. Unpublished manual.
The information featured in this section is reproduced via an exclusive arrangement with National Down Syndrome Society [ONLINE] Available at